Hi, my name is Viktor and i have this problem:
My IT teacher at the HTMU(Chemical and Metalurgy University of sofia) gave me a project to write a database software....using the free Visual basic from Visual Studio 2008....I've started the project and got to a dead end... :-(
The problem I've got is that I've made a search engine using a datagrid and query...fine....but I can search only 1 parameter or 1 word...but i need to find info that requiers more than 1 parameter.... the filter I'm usig is this....
SELECT npored, [datanapoluchavane nvarchar], datanavrashtane, lice_poluchatel, adres_zakontakti, opisanie_na_materiala, zabelejka
FROM materiali_polzvani_ot_arhiva
WHERE (datanavrashtane LIKE N'%' + @datanavrashtane + N'%') AND
(lice_poluchatel LIKE N'%' + @lice_poluchatel + N'%') AND
(adres_zakontakti LIKE N'%' + @dadres_zakontakti + N'%') AND
(opisanie_na_materiala LIKE N'%' + @opisanie_na_materiala + N'%') AND
(zabelejka LIKE N'%' + @zabelejka + N'%')
I've tried almost everything but no result.... can someone tell me what will be the proper way to make a search engine that will find data on 2 or more parameters using a single textbox......
The other problem is connected to the search engine....i've entered some tables in the program...but when i tried to delete some data the program told me that i can't do it....for some reason....and the search engine stops when it hit a blank row....but when i tried to give the query a update option using the save button on the nav menu it tels me that i've got to write a proper update rule.... here's a example of the code that concerns this part....
Private Sub PuPRegistarBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PuPRegistarBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click
Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.InfodataDataSet1) <=== this bit here!
End Sub
That really my problem...can somebody please HELP!
Thanks alot....
Best Regards Viktor
My IT teacher at the HTMU(Chemical and Metalurgy University of sofia) gave me a project to write a database software....using the free Visual basic from Visual Studio 2008....I've started the project and got to a dead end... :-(
The problem I've got is that I've made a search engine using a datagrid and query...fine....but I can search only 1 parameter or 1 word...but i need to find info that requiers more than 1 parameter.... the filter I'm usig is this....
SELECT npored, [datanapoluchavane nvarchar], datanavrashtane, lice_poluchatel, adres_zakontakti, opisanie_na_materiala, zabelejka
FROM materiali_polzvani_ot_arhiva
WHERE (datanavrashtane LIKE N'%' + @datanavrashtane + N'%') AND
(lice_poluchatel LIKE N'%' + @lice_poluchatel + N'%') AND
(adres_zakontakti LIKE N'%' + @dadres_zakontakti + N'%') AND
(opisanie_na_materiala LIKE N'%' + @opisanie_na_materiala + N'%') AND
(zabelejka LIKE N'%' + @zabelejka + N'%')
I've tried almost everything but no result.... can someone tell me what will be the proper way to make a search engine that will find data on 2 or more parameters using a single textbox......
The other problem is connected to the search engine....i've entered some tables in the program...but when i tried to delete some data the program told me that i can't do it....for some reason....and the search engine stops when it hit a blank row....but when i tried to give the query a update option using the save button on the nav menu it tels me that i've got to write a proper update rule.... here's a example of the code that concerns this part....
Private Sub PuPRegistarBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PuPRegistarBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click
Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.InfodataDataSet1) <=== this bit here!
End Sub
That really my problem...can somebody please HELP!
Thanks alot....
Best Regards Viktor