Screen Size


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2007
Programming Experience
I've created a application on a PC Tablet that has a 10 1/2" screen. The application will also be deployed to a PC Tablet that has a 8 1/2" screen. My question, how can I make the screen size automatically adapt to a PCs screen size? I hope I don't have to create the application all over again to accomodate the smaller screen. Thank in advance.
Doesn't the Anchor and Dock properties work for Tablet?
Yes, it does. But I thought Dock and Anchor properties are for control positioning "within" the form, not the form itself. Am I mistaken?
Correct. How about WindowStyle=Maximized. Or using the Screen class to get available WorkingArea that you can set to forms DesktopBounds? (DesktopBounds is Location and Size in one, ie a rectangle)
About what?