Saving hotkeys to XML file & reading them[Help]

Jul 24, 2010
Programming Experience
Hi, I've created a fully functional key binder. But, I cannot figure out how the ?!??!?! I save/load hotkeys to a XML file. I'm using RegisterHotkey & UnregisterHotkey. Basically I'm using a listview.

Message |Hotkeys
Example.... |Alt+G

I've searched around, but I haven't found anything (maybe I've searched for the wrong thing...Who knows).

Also if this is in the wrong section, please move it.
Store the info in a datatable, and then use the datatable's ReadXml and WriteXml methods

More important for you is how to store the data in the first place. That really depends on how it's used in the app..
Store the info in a datatable, and then use the datatable's ReadXml and WriteXml methods

More important for you is how to store the data in the first place. That really depends on how it's used in the app..

Would you care to explain more close?, I'm just trying to write listview items (1 item and 1 subitem) to either a .ini, or a .xml whichever is easier.
Like write listview items, with a SAVE AS button, then when saved it writes all the data inside listview, and on load it loads the correct items & subitems in it's correct place.

I managed to write the items to a .ini file, but now I just gotta know how to load 'em>.<
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