Question saving Dataset With Excel Data


New member
Jan 3, 2011
Programming Experience
Hi All,
Am new. i have a problem saving a dataset to an Access database filled with excel sheet data. i have successfully imported the excel sheet data into a dataset and i can view it on a datagridview. The problem is saving the imported excel data to an Access database. Any Help will be appreciated. Thanks
Follow the DW4 link in my signature, section Creating a Simple Data App. At the end youll have an app with a dataset that reads/writes an access db. Copy the dataset data out of your Excel one, into the Access one programmatically, and then upload it. Once you get comfortable with it, you may be able to read the excel data straight into the access dataset.. You'll have to form sql statements to pull the excel data in a shape that looks like the access data so the dataadapter will be able to put it where it should be