Retrieving WebBrowser Object of child IE windows


Mar 7, 2006
Programming Experience
Hey everyone, I'm writing an toolbar for IE that interacts with IE and all of it is done through a WebBrowser object that is set to the instance of IE that it loads in. I'm wondering how could i retrieve an object representing any child windows that are spawned from that one? (if a link opens in a new window) the reason i want to do this is to receive events from the child windows all in the parent window.. or just be able to pass information back to the parent.

Also i should mention that i have a BHO that is a part of this so each time a window loads, the the BHO can get the WebBrowser object of that window, but since they're only in the instance of that window, how do i get that information from one to the other?

Any help would be appreciated.. it seems so simple yet i can't figure it out.


I figured it out. just thought i'd post incase anyone else ran into the same situation. i added an event handler for NewWindow3 and then in the event handler i set the ref Object pDisp argument (which is null at first) to a new instance of InternetExplorerClass()

one i had that done i had a private varable WebBrowserChild in my class which i set to (SHDocVw.WebBrowser)pDisp.

then from there i could access the childwindow from that.

the one problem i ran into then was updating controls on the parent form from the childwindow which i had to do using a delegate because apparently .Net doesn't allow a secondary thread to access controls in another thread.

Here's the code i used to invoke the update function to update the control in the parent.
controlname.BeginInvoke(new DelegateFunc(UpdateHandler), new Object[] {"updated text"});

my delegate looked like this:
public delegate void DelegateFunc(string newtext);

and my update handler was something like this

private void UpdateHandler(string newtext)
controlname.Text = newtext;

sorry the code is in c# but it shouldn't be too hard to translate over to VB.

Hope this helps someone.