

New member
Feb 10, 2010
Programming Experience

I have a Table in a reportviewer.

On the Vertical(row) axis i would like to display data from "Fields!REGCODE.Value".

I only want to display 3 rows at all times, namely the value for REGCODE "013", "015" and "Other" (all other values than "013" and "015") which is translated to "KK", "KA" and "Other".
I have made a Group that does the following:
=Fields!REGCODE.Value = 013
=Fields!REGCODE.Value = 015
=Fields!REGCODE.Value <> 013 and Fields!REGCODE.Value <> 015

I have also made the following Expression:
"=IIF(Fields!REGCODE.Value = 013, "KK", IIF(Fields!REGCODE.Value = 015, "KA", "Other"))" which works perfectly except when there for example is no content in "013", the row is removed. I want the three rows (KK, KA and Other) at all times, how do I do that???

On the Horizontal(column) Axis, I want to display town names. The Town names correspond to a number in "Fields!COLLECT_PLACE.Value" but I manually type in the town names to make sure that the columns is always shown and shown in the right order.

For each filed in the table i would like to make a count of the number of found values that has the corresponding REGCODE and COLLECT_PLACE.

For example for the following data:


15 / 015
01 / 013
15 / 013
13 / 013
13 / 013
15 / 015
15 / 013
15 / 013
01 / 013
15 / 020
01 / 013
15 / 015
15 / 013
15 / 013
15 / 015
15 / 015
15 / 013

I would like the table:


013 ____3___2____6___11

015 ____0___0____5___5

Other __0___0____1___1

Instead i get the table


013 ____11__11___11___11

015 ____5___5____5___5

Other __1___1____1___1

namely the total for each row in each column.

How do i make sure that all the 3 rows are alwais there, whether or not they contain data??
How do i count the right value for each table field and not the total row value in each field.

Please if someone could give me a step-by-step guide to solving this issue.

Thanks in advance.