Report Generator Function in VB.Net 2003


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2005
Bangalore, India
Programming Experience
Hi !

I am looking for the source code of a function in VB.Net 2003 which accepts the following parameters and generates a tabular report.

01. Report Heading
02. No of Lines Per Page
03 Tables from where the data are to be read.
04. Columns which need to be included in the report.
05. The column headings to be used in the report.
06. If the data has to be grouped by any criteria, the sub totals for each of the Group with the Grand Total.
07. The columns which require to be totalled.
08. The order in which the columns are to be printed in the report.
For steps 03 to 06, it can also be from a specific Dataset which already has all these info from the various tables.
09. The function should be able to direct the output to the Default printer / file / Word Document / PDF.
10. The function should also have provison to export the data into Excel, just the rows without any grouping.

I believe that in many of the applications, at least 60% of the reporting is internal and are simple tabular reports. By having this function, it is possible to reduce the coding to a great extent.

I had developed a comprehensive function for this in Clipper in the old days of programming. In fact in Clipper, I used to store the report definitions in a table and all the related records for the report had a unique key which I pass to the black box function. Now I need a similar functionality in VB.Net and SQL Server 2000.

Any ideas / directions would be very much appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

Varadarajan R