Remove the highlighting from combobox when selected


Jul 27, 2009
Programming Experience

There's probably some easy way to do this but it's driving me mad...

I have a form with a combo box that is populated from a database. When I set the text of the combo box to the value in the db
.Uc_address1.cmb_country.SelectedText =

the combobox remains highlighted, and if the text of the selected item is longer than the width of the combo box, it only shows the last characters. I want to remove this highlighting when the form is loaded (similar to what happens when you tab away from the combo, but still allow the highlighting when a user enters the combobox for entering data.

How can I achieve this?

I've seen someone suggest overriding the paint event, but I'm a bit green here and my attempts at this have failed.


Thanks for the response but I've tried that without any luck. I've had a look into this further, and there appears to be others noticing strange combobox behaviour....

To explain further...

The combobox inherits from a base one that is set with the appropriate formatting. Its constructor populates the item list after first clearing the existing items.
Inherits uc_combo_base

public sub New()


End sub

    Private Sub fill_combo()


        'fill with specialism table
        Dim sqlrunner As New C_SQLRunner(My.Settings.trials_server, My.Settings.trials_db)
        Dim r As SqlDataReader

        r = sqlrunner.RunSPReader("mp_get_specialisms")

        While r.Read
        End While

        With Me
            .AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource
            .AutoCompleteCustomSource = asc_specialism
            .AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest
        End With

        'clean up

    End Sub

There are two odd things happening;

1. The items do not clear but seem to keep growing
2. The item remains highlighted as stated before when doing
.cmb_specialism.SelectedText = C_User.speciality

I've tried setting the selectedindex to -1 and it makes no difference.

I can't believe I'm the only one to have found this, but a search of the Internet has not provided a definitive solution.

Any ideas?
Remove combo box highlighting


I have a user control that contains a combo box and a button. The combobox contains a list of user professions (nurse, doctor etc.). I've created a text property that accesses the combobox text so by using
my_user_control.text = "some text"
the combobox is filled appropriately.

If I run this code directly from a buttons click event the user control fills the combobox text appropriately and does not remain highlighted. However, if I run this code from a constructor or other sub that is not via an event the combobox text fills but remains highlighted.

I need to populate forms from a db and fill the user control appropriately but want to remove the highlighting from the combobox. Someone suggested
my_user_control.selectedindex = -1
but this simply clears any text from the combobox.

Can someone help me out? Such a seemingly trivial task of removing some highlighting is driving me nuts....!

Thanks in advance.

I've cleared up some of the issues I've had with this. I don't think the issue is with the fill_combo function. However, in answer to your question, the combobox is filled via the constructor. This works fine and produces a list of professions as I require.

The problem is that when I read from the db, I can't seem to set the combo text to a value without the text remaining highlighted (see post
'Remove combo box highlighting' added today).



Finally resolved this issue by overrriding the onpaint method of the user control as below;
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)

        Me.combobox.SelectionLength = 0

    End Sub

Using selectedindex = -1 only blanked out the text.

I'm still a bit perplexed as to why the problem arose as it did (as I described earlier) but most importantly, this solves it.


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