Remote execution


Jan 10, 2007
Programming Experience
I am attempting to write a VB program for remote execution and am wondering if it will even work before I get too deep into it.
The company I work for does a lot of acquisitions requiring a lot of work on local PCs. Things such as gathering information about the PC, removing software, renaming the PC etc. I currently have the entire process scripted using VB script and about 10 different scripts. each script is run on the PC being worked on from a remote share on a server and data is written back to the server. Everything is fine however, it is difficult to turn scripts over to in experienced people and ask them to run them... so I would like to create a VB app (I have one built that will do most of the things I need to Essentially what I have done is create an application that has turned each of the scripts into a button on a tool bar and results are written to a database and also show in a form as appropriate) but I would like to be able to install the application on a server and have the users go to the server share from their local PC and run the program executing each button as needed without installing the program locally and it will gather information, perform actions etc about their local PC. When I try to run the build I have remotely it will not even run.

What I need to know is can what I described even be done and if so what do I need to change to make it so?
Well giving the user the ability to execure your scripts is wrong, to start with.
The program will probably won't work cuz the users have user privilages.
Trying to raise their privilages is a nono.
So you can write code that will impersonate the user as an administrator and then will run the script. DON'T DO IT!!
The solution for me will be an application that will run from the administrator and gather user information remotely. I would suggest te use of "WMI".
May i also suggest the use of Dameware. It will ease your life a bit ;)

You are right however, in this case the ""users" are IT administrators. What we ahve is when we buy a company we have to mightate several hundred PCs to our domain in a weekend, install software remove okd software etc. We have to go in and gather information about the PCs rename etc. doing it all manually is too hard so I ahve scripted the process. However we are getting less and less experienced "users" doing these so my thought was to turn this into an executable that runs off of a server we bring in. Security willnot be an issue since these folks are admins.
Have you ever looked into a sysinternals application called psexec. I have authored a few apps that execute remotely. All I have done in the past is create a sort of admin console for myself then have that console leverage psexec to send the necessary files and execute them.