Remote Debugging


New member
Apr 11, 2006
Programming Experience
Following server/client specs:
- Visual Studio .Net 2003, developing in ASP/VB.Net on 1.1 framework.
- Webserver runs Windows Server 2003, SP 1, IIS 6
So and employee has left and I've assumed some of his duties, which include maintaining a webtool coded in ASP/VB.Net.
All of the files for the project are on the webserver (including the .aspx, .aspx.vb, .sln, bin folder, et cetera), I've mapped the Inetpub\wwwroot to a network drive W:\.
My Objective: To be able to open the project stored on the webserver remotely (I.E. from my development desktop), make changes, and recompile the project.
What is Keeping Me From My Objective:
The person who originally created the project left a note stating he would just open the project from the webserver (via networked drive or something similar I'm assuming) in Visual Studio, make changes, and rebuild the project.
I've been attempting to open the .sln file located on the webserver via W:\ and Visual Studio will load and then give me the following error message:
The debugger component on the server failed to connect to local machine.

I have search google extensively and tryed many different things, I am an administrator, and I am part of the system users, and I belong to the group debugger user.

Any help would be great thanks,