Rebuilding A Project On Another PC


Mar 12, 2008
Programming Experience
I am trying to setup a VB.NET project which was built on one PC onto another PC.

I have uploaded the source code for my website from my main PC to my webserver. The source code resilts from a project built in VS2005 but it does not contain any visual studio project files (eg .sln .vbproj). But when I download the source code to my other PC and try to build in VS2005 I get numerous errors about missing components.

The errors say that VS2005 can't find anything which resides in the XXX namespace, because it can't find the namespace. In fact there isn't one, but this should surely be ok - the compiler should look in App_Code to find the components which have this namespace - when the project is called the same name.

For example, the errors report that XXX.dsNodes is missing but it can clearly be seen in App_Code. This subdirectory has been created by VS. The project was originally created in VS 2003, which didn't have App_Code sub directory nor any namespaces. XXX.xsd was originally in the root directory alongside the aspx files. On conversion, these items were put in the new VS 2005 directory called App_Code.

So surely VS 2005 should look in App_Code for all items of this nature, if the namespace = the project name. But for some reason it is not doing this. What am I missing?

Thanks in anticipation.

You can't re-build the project from compiled code, you need to copy the project (source files) from the one comp to the other.

The web server should have the aspx/html/image files and the compiled code in the App_Code folder only.
Yes, the compiled code is on the webserver but I also keep a copy of the source code there as well.

It is the source code that I have downloaded and that I am trying to rebuild.

Thanks for your response.

The source code resilts from a project built in VS2005 but it does not contain any visual studio project files (eg .sln .vbproj).
Except that you haven't copied all of the source code, the *.sln and *.vbproj files are source code too.

And I advise against having any source code files (except the *.aspx/*.html files) on the web server, that'd allow anyone to download the entire project and modify it for their own needs, unless that's what you want them to do.
Thanks for the responses.

Setting to compile rather than content on vb files gets rid of the errors.

But issue seems when importing the app_code _vti_cnf designer files are created - the classes not seen are in these.

Now what have I done wrong?

Thanks in anticipation.
