Read from text to textbox


Active member
May 24, 2005
Programming Experience
I have a form with a textbox and I want that textbox to read from httpd.conf on line 162.

Line 162 reads ServerAdmin

Shouldn’t this code work? Because it does not.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim apacheconf = "c:\httpd.conf"
Dim line() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(apacheconf)

TextBox1.Text = line(59)
End Sub
End Class

Also when the textbox reads the line, it must only display the email address and not the word “ServerAdmin” How can I do that?
Ok the reading and displaying to the textbox is done

TextBox1.Text = mid(line(59),instr(line(59),"ServerAdmin")+len("ServerAdmin "),len(line(59))-instr(line(59),"ServerAdmin")+len("ServerAdmin"))

Now for writing back to the textfile if the textbox value is changed I've gotten as far as this

Dim apacheconf = "C:\webserver\Apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf"
Dim Line() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(apacheconf) 

If TextBox1.Text.ToString Then
IO.File.WriteAllLines(apacheconf, Line(162)) 
End If

But it's not really working. What I'm I doing wrong?
first of all import the System.IO namespace to your project like this. So that you won't have to write it everywhere in your code.

Imports System.IO

Secondly, since your importing the .IO namespace, use it's StreamReader class to read the text from your file. (StreamReader Class (System.IO))

Dim fName As String = " D:\httpd.conf"
Dim testTxt As New StreamReader(fName)
Dim allRead As String = testTxt.ReadToEnd()     '

And you don't have to go through all that trouble to get that text part. there's a great member of the Text namespace called RegularExpressions in VB.NET which will help you to match predefined words/texts from files. This is how you import it to your project and use it.

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

'declare the RegEx field pattern.
Dim regMatch As Regex = New Regex("ServerAdmin")

'matching the data from the text file with the RegEx pattern
Dim mtch As Match = regMatch.Match(allRead)

If mtch.Success Then
      TextBox1.Text = mtch.Groups(0).Value
      MessageBox.Show("not found")
End If

and to writing to the file part. Use the counterpart of StreamReader which is StreamWriter. (StreamWriter Class (System.IO))

Dim writer As New StreamWriter(fName)

MessageBox.Show("Text written to file", "Data Saved", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
Yes you are right. But then we got into the writing back to the file. But you have a point, so i wont continue this discussion.