Quick and Easy SetPixel replacement function


Oct 31, 2009
Programming Experience
I've been looking for weeks now, most people seem to be writing GetPixel replacement functions that speed up GetPixel, but I need SetPixel.
I've read over the locking/unlocking bits articles, but they don't explain to me, how do I simply set a colour of a pixel?
Something easy like:
setpixelreplace(mybitmap, x, y, color.red)

I've been trying to write this myself for ages now, keep getting all sorts of weird things happening, closest I have is making the screen entirely black or entirely white, however when using setpixel i can view my image absolutely perfectly.

It just runs slow on bad computers (Takes them 0.2 seconds to render a frame, absolutely horrible)

I don't mind any pixel format being used, the buffer is flexible and i can change it to anything, just please, someone out there, help me out!! T_T

I'm sick to death of reading about getpixel replacement functions here that have no clear way of being edited to set a pixel at all#

I'm using Visual Basic .NET

I know what VB is doing, I know about unlocking bits, I know about it all just can't write the function I need.
You'll want to check out using LockBits: Using the LockBits method to access image data
man, that's the ONE page I've read over a billion times, it just doesn't have any good examples, it's all hey you can do this, but no indication of where to customise.

Perhaps I didn't stress enough how much I simply want a function that I can call, I've seen all the links about locking bits, all the links about how crappy setpixel and getpixel is, I've seen a thousand different functions for a getpixel with pixel locking but NONE for setpixel, at all, well there is one but the code is broken and is based on a getpixel function that's what I want.

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