Question about existence of controls


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2006
Georgia, USA
Programming Experience
I just had an idea for a page to make just for my own use on my website. I'd like to have a windows media player on the page with the ability to browse my hard drive so I can play the music I have stored here from anywhere. I have two questions. First, I have Windows Media Player selected as a toolbox item for ASP, but I don't see the object in any of the categories to drop on the form. Any ideas where it would be, or how to put it on the form, or can't it be done? Also, is there no File selector dialog or anything like that so I can choose an MP3 file and have the player play it? Thanks.
I had a better solution to this, but I'm not sure how to lay it out or code it. I figured that I could have a listbox and/or folder dialog and populate the listbox with the songs in the folder chosen. Then I could just use the media player on the computer I'm connecting from and use Open URL to navigate to that song on my website. What I'm not sure about is that the directory structure is different for some music. Some folders only have subfolders in them which contain the music. I don't know how to handle that so that if I hit one of those folders, it lets me know that there are only subfolders in it. I'd appreciate any suggestions.