Question Quality WPF / .NET code editor?


New member
May 12, 2006
Programming Experience
Hey guys,

Was wondering if any of you knew a quality code editor component for .NET that can be easily plugged into an application we're developing? WPF is preferable, but WinForms works as well.

We're just looking for a standard code editor; line numbering, syntax highlighting, search & replace, tag completion, and so on. Additional features such as expanding / collapsing of code blocks, and intellisense would be an added bonus. It must be very high quality though, and can not be amateurish in any way. Quick loading, no delays, no screen flickering, ability to handle 50,000+ lines of code, etc.

Does anyone know of such a thing, or know of a company who's capable of developing one? We're at a bit of a dead end here, but for something so standard, there must be a solution out there. Any help?