Publish and Install a Win App without creating Start Menu entry


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Programming Experience
Hey guys, I've built a couple of Apps successfully, but having published them to a Network Folder, Non-Admin Users can't install them themselves because the Install attempts to create an Entry in the Start Menu. There may be other Security issues (I need 4 of the permissions included if I publish it as a Partial Trust Applications, which I think affect this) after this point that I'm not aware of, but yeah, it fails when trying to create a Start Menu item -

+ Access to the path 'C:\Documents and Settings\JameO\Start Menu\Programs\Mynas' is denied.

I think excluding the right is just part of the SOE, but is there some way I can create this and have it NOT create a Start Menu item, haven't been able to find any?

That shouldn't be a problem, because it creates the shortcut in the user start menu, only normal user rights is needed for this. It sounds to me there is problem with the OS policy configuration.
To put it in context, Users aren't even able to put shortcuts on the Desktop (though, yes, they can install to their local hard drive, thankfully). Seems an odd policy to me, but I'm not held to it, just my end-users.
That's exactly it! I'd skipped past the description on "online only" not realising that including Offline created the Start Menu item. Thanks, John.