project output in custom location?

jay j

Aug 21, 2009
Programming Experience

im still fairly new to this. i have written a program, built it and created my setup project and can install it no problems, however, in the "setup view" where you have the three folders "Application folder" "Users Desktop" and "Users Programs menu" ... u know "the file system view/setup1" ... well here is the problem, i click on "Application folder" and change the "default location" ... so i can specify the program is installed in "C:\Program Files\Johns App\Calculator" ...... BUT when i build the setup and install the program it does not appear in this location !! arghh i can see all the program files on my pc ... except mine :(( i have tried all day and all night :( the only way i can get it to appear here is by INCLUDING the "project output" into THIS folder ..... even though i only want it to be on the "users desktop" ........ do i have to include the project output into the Application folder for my program to be installed in the directory i specify???

thanks guys :D
Sorry if im misunderstanding your question, it seems a bit confusing... :(

To specify the install directory, click on the Application Folder, and set the DefaultLocation property.

DefaultLocation = [ProgramFilesFolder][Manufacturer]\[ProductName]

Clicking on the setup project itself will allow you to set the Manufacturer & Product Name properties

Yes, you can create an primary output file in the Application folder & after that you can right click on the output file and choose Create Shortcut and then move that shortcut to the desktop folder, repeat for the Program's Menu folder
Sorry if im misunderstanding your question, it seems a bit confusing... :(

To specify the install directory, click on the Application Folder, and set the DefaultLocation property.

DefaultLocation = [ProgramFilesFolder][Manufacturer]\[ProductName]

Clicking on the setup project itself will allow you to set the Manufacturer & Product Name properties

Yes, you can create an primary output file in the Application folder & after that you can right click on the output file and choose Create Shortcut and then move that shortcut to the desktop folder, repeat for the Program's Menu folder

thanks for the reply, but when i set the default location property to a path that i want in the C:\ program files location it does not appear there, it just gives me the program on my desktop ..... i cant see my folders and program in the default location.
Is your primary output file moved to your desktop folder?

Create your primary output file in the Application folder and leave it there. Create a shortcut and move that to the desktop folder.
yeh it was, primary output in the desktop folder. ahhh i see, so is that what it is? i have to put the primary output in the applications folder then make a shortcut to the desktop? so if i do that will i have my program installed in the place it should be ... C:\program files\(my company name)\(my program name)...?

thanks for replying :D