Problems selecting rss items


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2006
Programming Experience
Hello all,

I have made an RSS reader which puts the text from the current item into a linklabel and assigns the url to a variable of the linklabels click event... The problem i am having is this...

My linklabel only displays one of the "title's" from the xml i want it to display them all in a long line as the text is scrolling accross, I have tried to adjust my code to make this happen but everytime i get something else to work something new stops working lol.... Does anyone have any ideas on how i can achieve this?

Here is what it looks like, hope that helps!


  • form.JPG
    10.9 KB · Views: 56
I would use two or three linklabels that followed the same movement logic. As the leftmost linklabel is moved out of visible form (and pushed back in again from right) switch to the next text/url pair for that linklabel. One problem with this could be different text lengths that in a plain move-out-move-in order could result in overlapping. One solution could be fixed length messages, another would be applying more sophisticated movement of the queue.
Hi John, thanks that sounds like the best idea, however another problem I am having is selecting the RSS item that i want, by default it seems to start at the bottom of the page and the <item>'s don't seem to have a unique identifier, do you know how i can make it start at the top of the xml page?

I guess I could assign an identity to each of them manually, by saying for e.g


for each item in xmlitems
itemnumber += 1
next xmlitem

and then i could use that integer to identify them?? im not sure :(