

Jan 4, 2010
Programming Experience
Hi all.
I cut my programming teeth on GW Basic way back in the 80's and I am slowly trying to migrate to VB.
My question is this, How do I print something from within VB? All the articles I've read seem to direct me towards Crystal Reports which appears complicated, is'nt there a simpler way? In GW a simple LPRINT blah blah would have done, is there an alternative in VB.
Thanks in anticipation.
Forget Crystal Reports. Anyone who recommends that just for printing is being rather foolish. .NET provides a printing subsystem centred around the PrintDocument class and using GDI+. Anything you can draw with GDI+, you can print. In short, create a PrintDocument, call the Print method, handle the PrintPage event and then use GDI+ to print a page. It may seem a little complex for simple things but that complexity provides great power so, as I said, you can print just about anything. Start by reading the documentation for the PrintDocument class. You can then search for printing examples and, if you want to get fancy, GDI+ examples.