Question Printing on a Continuous Paper Through a Thermal Printer using Crystal Reports


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Programming Experience
I'm trying to take a print on a Continuous Paper through a Thermal Printer ZP 2844 using Crystal Reports 2008 along with Visual Basic .NET 2008.
I've set the page size to 3.00 inches as width & 3.00 inches as height.
It prints well when the contents are a few on a single page but it puts gap when printing more than single page.
There's no page margins set in crystal reports & the printing setup is the same in Crystal Reports as well as in Printer's Setup.
Even in Print Preview of Crystal Report, it shows 2 pages to be printed but there's neither any gap at the end of first page & the start of second page.
Still, a gap is shown when the report is printed.
Here's an example how the print is show:
Product Qty Amount
Item1 1 100
Item2 1 100
Item3 1 100

Item4 1 100
Item5 1 100
Item6 1 100

Total: 600

You can notice the gap between Item3 & Item4 which is due to next page or page break or so.
I've noticed that in Crystal Report Viewer for Web, there's an option of SeparatePages = False which let you have a single/continuous page printing but I've not found any such option in Crystal Report Viewer for Desktop.

Please help me to resolve the issue..