Print the text in text box


Mar 23, 2006
Programming Experience
hi all,
Currently, i need to write a program that enable to generate report with standard format. Therefore, i will hard code some of the text with other textboxes' text in a text box.
And then, the information must be printed out for reference.
How to print the contents inside a textbox? ;
Any other suggestion for report generation?

Thanks for answering my question.

(Forgive my English:p )
Do you need to create a report? Crystal reports will certainly work. There is a way to create a basic report with textobjects and 'PUSH' the text of a form's textbox into the report.
Push text to a CR:
        Dim TestRpt As New rptReportName
        Dim testText As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject
        testText = CType(TestRpt.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects.Item("Text1"), CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)
        testText.Text = "this is it"
("Text1") is the actual name of the textobject on the report.

Also if you just need to print a screenshot of the form:
JuggaloBrotha's signature:
To print your winform:

hope that helps,
Hi David,
Sorry for disturbing you again!
What is the namespace that i need to import for PUSH the text to Crystal Report?

Thanks and regards,
Not sure, I didn't have to import anything for it to work.
Here is what the definition says when you right click on the code:

Namespace CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine

Assembly CrystalDecisions.Shared