Possible bug ???


Nov 16, 2005
Programming Experience
I have a project that has recently become a pain to code in. Basically what has happend is intellisense is all messed up. It will no longer complete code for you as well if you fix an error it will not show that it is fixed. It will however show you if you have errors if you run it. This is quite a pain. I assure yo all my Options settings for coding are setup correctly. This has happend on two of my development machines with the same project. The second pc this happed on is brand new with fresh installs of everything. This is a huge project with about 80 forms so I would rather not have to re-write all the code. I did find if you delete the obj and bin folders and then launch your project it will work properly for like 5 minutes or less. You also cannot undo so it is making things nearly impossible to code. Any help and or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I suppose It has happened to all of us at one time or another, that VS.NET 2003 intellisense does "one of those things" that absolutely drives us crazy and we wonder WHY? :confused:
In this case i assure you that it is known bug even you cannot find much info about it. I know at least 5 people that were complaining about the same "Intellisense stops to work after couple minutes" and i can say it is mostly cuz of too much controls inside your forms. Probably you should use more code view instead design view ;)
However, when you get experienced with vb.NET you don't need intellisense anymore as well as you will stop to use design view that much but rather to add controls dynamic (through the code) :)

Regards ;)