Populate Combobox Text with Query Result


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2010
Programming Experience
Hello All,

I would appreciate your assistance with the following issue I'm having:

I have 2 tables: locations and depot:

site_refnbr (primary key)
depot_refnbr(foreign key)

depot_refnbr (primary key)

I have 2 forms, frm1 and frm2. Frm1 has a combobox, cboLocations which pulls from the Locations table. Frm2 has textboxes which populate based upon the location selected from cboLocations on frm1. Frm2 also has a combobox, cboDepot, which pulls from the Depot table.

Here is my dilemma:
So far, I've been able to get cboDepot to populate with the first depot_refnbr. This is not the corresponding depot_refnbr that matches with the selected Location; it is just the first depot_refnbr in the Depot table.

What I need it to do:
I need to populate cboDepot's text property with the depot_name, and not the depot_refnbr that corresponds with the Location selected on frm1 from cboLocations.

Frm1 has a button, and I'm not sure if I'd have to code this in the button click event, the cboLocation_Selected IndexChanged event, or in frm2's load event.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated as always! :)
Hi again demausdauth,

Sorry for the delayed response.

Here is what I have in my SelectIndexChanged event for cboDepot on my frm2:

 Private Sub cboDepot_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboDepot.SelectedIndexChanged

        If sender IsNot Nothing Then
            Dim TempCombo As ComboBox = CType(sender, ComboBox)

            'set the textboxes based on the selected value in the combobox
            'Dim drRows() As DataRow = dtDepot.Select("depot_refnbr = " & TempCombo.SelectedValue.ToString())
            'Dim drRows() As DataRow = Me.dtDepot.Select("depot_refnbr = " & TempCombo.SelectedValue.ToString())

           [COLOR="Red"] Dim drRows() As DataRow = Me.cboDepot.Select("depot_refnbr = " & TempCombo.SelectedValue.ToString())[/COLOR]
            Me.txtDepotName.Text = drRows(0)("depot_name").ToString()
            Me.txtDepotNbr.Text = TempCombo.SelectedValue.ToString()

        End If
...    End Sub

I've tried what you suggested, but the line in red is resulting in an "Overload resolution failed b/c no accessible 'Select' accepts this number of arguments" error. Also, as you can see in the commented lines, when I use dtDepot.Select, I'm getting the syntax error I mentioned in my previous post. As always, I appreciate any help you can provide.
You won't be able to do the .Select() from cboDepot, that method activates the control or it selects a portion of the displayed text not what we're looking for.
I have rerun my code and it it works fine so I am curious about the error.
Private Sub cboDepot_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboDepot.SelectedIndexChanged

        If sender IsNot Nothing Then
            Dim TempCombo As ComboBox = CType(sender, ComboBox)

            'set the textboxes based on the selected value in the combobox
            Dim drRows() As DataRow = dtDepot.Select("depot_refnbr = " & TempCombo.SelectedValue.ToString())

            Me.txtDepotName.Text = drRows(0)("depot_name").ToString()
            Me.txtDepotNbr.Text = TempCombo.SelectedValue.ToString()

        End If
End Sub

Did you make sure that the DepotNumber and dtDepot were declared as form level variables? Could you please post the syntax error you are getting again?
Here is what the error is appearing as (I'm attaching it). Please advise. Thanks in advance.


  • SyntaxError.pdf
    109.2 KB · Views: 24
1) Place a breakpoint on that line and then check to make sure that TempCombo.SelectedValue actually has a value.

2) We can change the code a little to help see
Dim drRows() As DataRow 

drRows = dtDepot.Select("depot_refnbr = " & TempCombo.SelectedValue.ToString())

That will tell us which equal sign it is looking at.

3)Also code you post all your code again for this form? I want to see it all together.
Okay, so I've tried 1 and 2, but when I hover the mouse over TempCombo.SelectedValue, no value is showing.

Here is my code for this form (Please disregard the commented out lines; they're just code I tried):

Public Class form
    Dim DepotNumber As Integer
    Dim dtDepot As DataTable

    Private FormIsLoading As Boolean

    Private Sub frmLocation_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Dos_trackDataSet.depot' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
        'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Dos_trackDataSet.depot' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
        'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Dos_trackDataSet.freight' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
        'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Dos_trackDataSet.depot' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.

        Me.txtLocation.DataBindings.Add("text", frmEditDel.LocationsBindingSource, "site")
        Me.txtAAC.DataBindings.Add("text", frmEditDel.LocationsBindingSource, "aac")
        Me.txtPhone.DataBindings.Add("text", frmEditDel.LocationsBindingSource, "telephone_nbr")
        Me.txtFax.DataBindings.Add("text", frmEditDel.LocationsBindingSource, "fax_nbr")
        Me.cboFreight.DataBindings.Add("text", frmEditDel.LocationsBindingSource, "freight_refnbr")
        Me.cboDispatcher.DataBindings.Add("text", frmEditDel.LocationsBindingSource, "dispatch_refnbr")
        Me.txtEmail.DataBindings.Add("text", frmEditDel.LocationsBindingSource, "Email")

        'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Dos_trackDataSet.locations' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.

        ''TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Dos_trackDataSet.freight' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.

        dtDepot = Dos_trackDataSet.depot

        'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Dos_trackDataSet.depot' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.

        'Set combobox to datasources
        Me.cboDepot.DisplayMember = "depot_name"
        Me.cboDepot.ValueMember = "depot_refnbr"
        Me.cboDepot.DataSource = dtDepot
        'Me.cboDepot.SelectedValue = "depot_refnbr"

        'Select the one that was chosen on frmEditDel
        'Dim drRows() As DataRow = frmEditDel.Dos_trackDataSet.depot.Select("depot_refnbr = " & DepotNumber)
        Dim drRows() As DataRow = dtDepot.Select("depot_refnbr = " & DepotNumber)

        Dim ComboSelectIndex As Integer = cboDepot.FindStringExact(drRows(0)("depot_name").ToString())

        cboDepot.SelectedIndex = ComboSelectIndex

        'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Dos_trackDataSet.dispatch' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.

        'Find out if the form is loading, if yes, ignore "SelectedIndexChanged"
        'event of cboDepot
        FormIsLoading = True

        'Allow the combobox to do its work again
        FormIsLoading = False
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal PassDepotNumber As Integer)
        DepotNumber = PassDepotNumber
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnSaveClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSaveClose.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub cboDepot_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboDepot.SelectedIndexChanged

        'If the form is not loading and the user changes the depot, we want to save it
        If FormIsLoading = False Then
                'First validate all controls

                'Tell bindingsource to go to end edit mode
                'Update the locations

            Catch ex As Exception
                MsgBox("Update failed")
            End Try

        End If

[B]If sender IsNot Nothing Then
            Dim TempCombo As ComboBox = CType(sender, ComboBox)

            'set the textboxes based on the selected value in the combobox
            'Dim drRows() As DataRow = dtDepot.Select("depot_refnbr = " & TempCombo.SelectedValue.ToString())
            'Dim drRows() As DataRow = Me.dtDepot.Select("depot_refnbr = " & TempCombo.SelectedValue.ToString())

            'Dim drRows() As DataRow = Me.cboDepot.Select("depot_refnbr = " & TempCombo.SelectedValue.ToString())

            [COLOR="Red"]Dim drRows() As DataRow
            drRows = dtDepot.Select("depot_refnbr = " & TempCombo.SelectedValue.ToString())[/COLOR]

            Me.txtDepotName.Text = drRows(0)("depot_name").ToString()
            Me.txtDepotNbr.Text = TempCombo.SelectedValue.ToString()

        End If[/B]
    End Sub

    ...End Class
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Okay if TempCombo.SelectedValue, then we know the why we are getting the error now -- there is no value.
Does this error happen when the form loads or when you select something from the combo box?
The error occurs after selecting a Location from the combobox on frm1 and then clicking on the "OK" button to load frm2. Any idea of why this is happening?:confused: