Question plugin architecture deployment question


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2007
Programming Experience
hi all,

i created a plug-in architecture type application... there's a main application (executable) that loads dlls into it at runtime.

now i'm at a point where i need to test deploy this over the intranet via click once.. problem i'm having is that how do i attach the dlls since it publish wizard will not do this automatically because i'm not referencing these dlls at design time.

i'd appreaciate any help.

from one of my previous replys:
JohnH said:
You can add files and folders to the solution (Solution Explorer/menu, "add existing") and set Build Action (Content) and copy mode (Copy always/if newer) for those files. Doing that the files will be copied to output directory when solution is compiled for debug and included in setup/ClickOnce (as part of "application files") when deployed to other computers.

is this the only way...?

one reason i don't like to add the files to my solution at design time is that because i wanted to make my application flexible at runtime wherein everytime i needed to create a dll, i just copy it to a specific folder that the main executable application looks at and then use the database to store commands to be executed by it.

So what are you asking actually, you want to "attach the dlls", but not attach them to your applications deployment, so attach them to what?
The main application will be loading them at runtime from a specific location.
You should be able to do that with a Setup project (msi installer), not with ClickOnce.