Please Help - Reading from files


Oct 24, 2007
Programming Experience
I am making a payroll program for a class project and on the admin form i have a listbox with employee names and you select a employee name then choose a date range from two datetimepickers. i have a file that is formatted:

12/10/2007 [date]
2:50 PM [clock in]
2:55 Pm [clock out]
00:05:00 [time worked]

this happens each time a employee clocks in and out and each employee has their own file

I need to put this information together in a label and display for the date range selected.

The route i am taking now is trying to open the file and read the first line and if the date read on the first line of the file is not the date selected in the timepicker somehow i need to readlines until it is then once it gets to the line read and display every line until the date in the second timepicker. I hope this makes since and any input would be greatly appreciated this thing is due on Wednesday.
