Question please help me "finding a picked number"


New member
Mar 13, 2013
Programming Experience
hi everyone i m new in here and i need your help so much

i need to write a program . I will pick a number between 1-100 and program will try to find it. but i will give the commands via textbox i will write to textbox "upper" program will pick a bigger number i will write lower it will pick lower.

!please help me!
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Your request is unclear. Are you saying that the user thinks of a number and the application tries to work out what it is or that the application thinks of a number and the user tries to guess it? Either way, what have you done so far and where exactly are you stuck? When people post "I want my app to do this, how do I do it" then they generally either haven't bothered to give it much thought or they haven't provided us with all the relevant information.