place textbox input handling code in a function?


Active member
Mar 26, 2005
Programming Experience
Could someone give me some direction/post a sample of how to handle user interaction with textboxes without having to cut and paste code for each text box?

Basically I would like to create a few functions to handle testing and formatting of text box input by the user.

I have the code for each textbox working isnumeric, format, etc . . . I'm having problems setting up the funtion where it can be applied to a text box on my forms through a function.

thanks in advance.
You mean something like...

Private Function ValidateTextbox(byval Str as String) As Boolean
'Validation here
Return True or False
End Function

Then call it, and supply it with the text you want to validate

Dim ContinueProgram As Boolean = False
ContinueProgram = ValidateTextbox(SomeTextbox.Text)
If Not ContinueProgram then
MessageBox.Show("'" & SomeTextBox.Text + "' Is Not Valid, Please Enter Only Numerical Data")

Thanks vis . . . that will work

The method I was looking at was passing the textbox object to the function, but yours will work just as well.

I was having an issue passing a textbox object to a function.

my code was something like

Private Function nput(Tbox As TextBox)
Dim Tbox As TextBox
Dim tbtxt As String
tbtxt = Tbox.Text
MsgBox (tbtxt)
End Function

Thank you for your assistance
you wouldnt do this line in red, as it is a re-statement of the line in green:

Private Function nput(Tbox As TextBox)
Dim Tbox As TextBox
Dim tbtxt As String
tbtxt = Tbox.Text
MsgBox (tbtxt)
End Function