Paremeters & Images in Crystal Reports


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi there i have a simple Crystal report (winforms 2005) that i have generated with the wizard, its shows all the data from a table it shows
dateOfTransaction TypeOfTransaction AmountOfTransaction , what i would like is to ask for a date so it only shows the information corresponding to the specified date, i played arounf with the parameter value but had no help.

Also i would like to put a image in the top right corner but can see a picture box option anywhere, thanks

I might be able to answer but I am working with 2003 here...

Insert a picture...
Right click on the report and choose INSERT => Picture

Select records based on a date...
The parameter is the way to go... I also convert date/time fields to just the date in the report.
Right click on the report and choose REPORT => REPORT OPTIONS. Use the combobox to convert Date-Time fields to Dates.
You may have been experiencing problems selecting by date/time because the time portion didn't match. If your record selection formula uses an '=' for the date/time field comparason no records will match exactly. If you want to keep the Time portion you should select records between a date/time range (12:00AM to 12:00AM the next day or something like that)..

Hope that helps