Packaging Setup


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2006
Programming Experience
I am looking for an app/software that actually packages the executable and the dependencies and just unpack on the client machine. If it can also make a desktop shortcut it would be amazing.

I cannot accept the Visual Studio setup project as not all the employees have it installed on their machines. They should be able to change text file which is also part of the app and then repack everything and send to another colegue who can install the app with the new text file.

Thanks :)
Both the Setup project and ClickOnce deployment can detect, download and install .Net Framework before installing the application. Can't the text file be copied along (or zipped)?
This is the idea. I develope an application that uses text file as backend. Then if i go for SETUP project (clickonce is not an option - it's strictly forbiden by the GM); the people cannot repackage the setup with edited file(s) unless they have VS 2005 to recompile the app entirely.
What i need is some small tool that is able to take the exe and the text files and recreate the new setup with Desktop shortcut included.

Thanks :)
Only thing I can think of is self-extractable zips. Or write your own packaging application that is used to insert/extract/execute files.

Just curious about the ClickOnce ban, what would be the reason for that? Are they mentally ill?