I have Visual studio 2008 and have experiance in Visual studio 1,2,3,4,5 & 6.
File -> Add -> New Project
Other Project types
Setup and Deployment -> Setup wizard
1) (.) Create a setup for a windows application
2) Leave blank the 7 tick boxes as I don't understand these and they look like additional stuff
3) No additional stuff needed.
4) Summary
Project type: Create a setup for a Windows application
Project groups to include: (none)
Additional files: (none)
Project Directory: D:\Lottery\DotNet\Lotto1\Setup1\Setup1.vdproj
Now have a second project Setup1. I know I should have named it something else to start with.
Have a new folder Setup1 with two folders
Debug (empty)
Release (empty)
That is as far as I can go.