Opening VS project 2005 in VS 2003


New member
Jun 27, 2007
Programming Experience

i currenlty have a Visual C# 2005 project that i need to compile, but all i have installed on my machine in Visual Studio 2003. when i try to open the project i get the following error:

"Unable to read the project file 'ICXInvoice.csproj. The file is not a valid project file. The project file is missing the 'Visual StudioProject' Section.

Any idea on how to make this work?

How large is this project because you can always try to create a blank solution in 2003 and just add the code form the other project. This may be a bit too much work, guess that depends on how bad you want to open the project. But the reason you cannot open it is because 2003 project files are different than 2005. Depending on the type of project it is you can pretty much just recreate it in 2003.

There may be a better way to go about (ie Modifying the project file somehow) but this is my best guess.
I've never heard of a program that can open a file created with a future version.

You can download the 2005 compiler (I think it's part of some SDK) and use the command line to compile.
You can also download the free version, VB.NET 2005 Express.