Question Open a child form - Main form is unresponsive


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2011
South England
Programming Experience
When I open my child form,


It opens up the new form, but now I can not interact with my main form. It will not accept focus or allow me to interact with it.

Do I need to change the form type?

Any Ideas?
Thanks In advance.
Hmm I have no idea why but to fix it i added an instance to the class

Public Class frm_Main
Dim frmAnalogs As New frm_Analogs()

and opened it with

Private Sub ToolsTSMI_Analogs_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolsTSMI_Analogs.Click
End Sub

This seemed to fix it. But I am unsure why.
Your first code used ShowDialog, and your second used Show. That's the difference :)
dialog window does not allow focus to other windows. When you click on save as in file menu in firefox try to click anywhere on the webpage - it plays a beep. The save dialog is a dialog - same behaviour.
Hey thanks guys. I thought all this was set in the form properties... I am beginning to understand. Behind the hood, there is a inherent class override going on. I can open it as a dialog or as a separate form, depending on how I call it.