Question One Drive Interference


Old to VB6, New to VB.NET
Oct 26, 2015
Rio Rancho, NM
Programming Experience
My program creates a folder in the user's Documents.
Within that folder I make a Temp folder for sorting files.
My Beta Tester is using OneDrive. The program errors when trying to delete the Temp folder.

Any ideas about working with OneDrive?

Thanks, Joe
What error?

How do you access path, with SpecialFolder.MyDocuments or SpecialFolder.Personal?

It sounds like temporary app data, if so SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData would be better.
Error 75: Access to the path is denied

This is what I'm using to establish the my Documents path
    Dim UserLFM_Dir As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) & "\Lowrey File Manager"
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Firstly, you should use Path.Combine to combine partial paths.

As for the issue, show us enough code and only enough code to run and see the actual issue you're seeing. That's not something we should have to ask for. We can't see what's wrong with your code, if anything, if we can't see your code.
Firstly, you should use Path.Combine to combine partial paths.

As for the issue, show us enough code and only enough code to run and see the actual issue you're seeing. That's not something we should have to ask for. We can't see what's wrong with your code, if anything, if we can't see your code.

First of all, when using the Path.Combine... my error logging stopped working, so I switched back to what I know that works.

Second, there's nothing wrong with my code
        Kill(Temp_DIR & "\*.*")
        RmDir(Temp_DIR) '            DELETE THE TEMP FOLDER
It works just fine when not using OneDrive... which was the question.

Third, I know you a GOD when it comes to programming and I'm probably getting annoying with my stupid questions, but please don't talk to me like a child. Your post is a complete turnoff.