You seem to still be missing the point. The Is and IsNot operators test referential equality, whereas the = and <> operators test value equality. They are NOT the same thing. All reference types support referential equality tests. This:
Test whether myVar refers to an object or not. Value equality is different. In order to perform a value equality test against Nothing, the type of the object being tested must support a conversion of Nothing to that type. The most common such type is the String class. To demonstrate the difference between the two, try running this code:
Dim str1 As String = Nothing
Dim str2 As String = String.Empty
Dim str3 As String = "Hello World"
If str1 Is Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show("str1 does NOT refer to an object")
MessageBox.Show("str1 DOES refer to an object")
End If
If str1 = Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show("str1 IS equal to Nothing")
MessageBox.Show("str1 is NOT equal to Nothing")
End If
If str2 Is Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show("str2 does NOT refer to an object")
MessageBox.Show("str2 DOES refer to an object")
End If
If str2 = Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show("str2 IS equal to Nothing")
MessageBox.Show("str2 is NOT equal to Nothing")
End If
If str3 Is Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show("str3 does NOT refer to an object")
MessageBox.Show("str3 DOES refer to an object")
End If
If str3 = Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show("str3 IS equal to Nothing")
MessageBox.Show("str3 is NOT equal to Nothing")
End If
If you run that code you'll see that str1 and str3 behave exactly as you'd expect, but the actual behaviour of str2 may not be what you expect. The results say that str2 DOES refer to an object but that is IS also equal to Nothing. That's because, when testing for value equality, Nothing is actually converted to a String first. You can only compare values of two objects of the same type. Converting Nothing to a String returns an empty String. str2 is also an empty string so the two values are equal.
To summarise, use = or <> to compare values, which means for all value types and for reference types that support value equality, and use Is or IsNot when testing references. This is true whether comparing to Nothing or not. Note that, when testing value equality against Nothing for value types, just like with the String class, Nothing must be converted first into a value with the same type as the other value you're comparing. For numeric types that will be zero, and all other value types have their own default value too.