No semi relationships in VB?


Dec 27, 2006
Programming Experience
Dear all,
I have a dataset schema which is connected to Acess through oledbdataadapter.
I have 3 tables customers, complains, products. I don't want product to be updated everytime the complains table gets updated. But the adapter loads only data from complains table which was updated together with products table. I don't want that to happen. I don't like foreign key constraint in vb, but I want to have one to many relationship in the database, still.
I guess it is because of the type of relationship. I guess I can do half relationship, yeah?
But how can I make it in
Your post dopesnt make any sense to me. Can you re-word it?

Sepcifically Im having trouble with:

I don't want product to be updated everytime the complains table gets updated.

Huh? You update one data table in VB, it doesnt update anything in any other table, unless you told vb to use a FK relation that will cascade updates. Even then, its only the primary key field (change the PK in the master and the slave PKs all change) that would trigger an update, and PK fields should NEVER be updated

But the adapter loads only data from complains table which was updated together with products table.
The adapter loads what you tell it to. If it is loading the wrong data, you told it wrongly!

Your sentence needs a comma:

But the adapter loads only data from complains table which was updated, together with products table.
= the adapter only loads updated data from complains and all data from products

But the adapter loads only data from complains table, which was updated together with products table.
= the adapter loads only update data from complains and only updated data from products

Can you please present your post more clearly, perhaps a list of steps (one statement per sentence) of what youre doing,a nd the problems youre seeing?