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gianfranco ramoser

New member
Feb 10, 2011
Programming Experience

I have some source I had built some years ago, with Visual Studio 6.

I have to learn how to convert them with and Visual Studio 2010.

Happy to read the forum.

Gianfranco Ramoser
Previous versions of VS had a wizard to upgrade VB6 code and projects to VB.NET but VS 2010 does not. Microsoft have partnered with a third-party vendor to provide a free edition of their product, although it is limited to 10,000 lines of code per project. Regardless, the general consensus is that rewriting is better than converting anyway. Converting may seem like a good idea but you will likely end up spending a considerable amount of time fixing issues and you'll end up with dog-ugly code anyway. Better that you identify the functionality required from the Vb6 app and then find the best way to implement that in VB.NET.