Newbie Needs Help - With Arrays to Forms and Printing


Feb 1, 2005
Programming Experience
I hope can help me ? I have attached my program. I had no problems getting the splash screen to work, as well petting the printprerviewdialoge to come up showning the page boarder and header. But don't know how to get that information into it?

I am trying to do the following
/1. Declare the structure to store the fields given on form, Delcare a dynamic array of structures using the strucuteres I created ( I thinl I did this right?)

2. Write code to open the inout file and read its contents into an array of structures resizing the array as necessasy. Add the sorted ID numbers to the combo box on the form.

3. I want it so users selects an item from the combo box, look up the elements in the corresponding instances I have created. As well updating the checkbox and radio button correctly. Also the preferred Customer check box is a true and false that I need to update as necessary. I need the Order requency group values update as well, it is a selection for customer order frequent use.

3. Then to print the customer list. I can get get the printpreview to come up with a boarder and heading, it also prints ok, but getting the information to it I am having proglems with.

I am the type of person who if see's how it is done can duplicate with a different application, thus learning as I have a working reference to pull from.

My email address is




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Sorry Wring Title Heading - Looking for help with printing Documents

Sorry Wring Title Heading - Looking for help with printing Documents through print Preview Dialog and Print Control.
Sorry Wring Title Heading - Looking for help with printing Documents

Sorry Wring Title Heading - Looking for help with printing Documents through print Preview Dialog and Print Control.

Thank you
