.NET programs on other computers..?


New member
Oct 10, 2007
Programming Experience

i have a problem with VB.NET because i used to use VB6 and when i play the programs that i have made by VB6 in other computers that don't have VB they work fine.

now I'm using VB.NET and when i take my programs to other computers this what shows up


is there a way to program my program in VB.NET to work on most computers or there is another solution????

help plz!!!

i have a problem with VB.NET because i used to use VB6 and when i play the programs that i have made by VB6 in other computers that don't have VB they work fine.

now I'm using VB.NET and when i take my programs to other computers this what shows up


is there a way to program my program in VB.NET to work on most computers or there is another solution????

help plz!!!

As vis781 has already asked, does the 'other' computer have the .Net Framework installed?

For .Net applications/programs to run you need the .Net framework which means if you're handing you programs/applications to other people to use, you need to tell them that they will need vX.X .Net Framework where X.X is the framework version:

v1.0 framework = VS 2002
v1.1 framework = VS 2003
v2.0 framework = VS 2005
v3.0 framework = VS 2005 W/ 3.0 Extensions
v3.5 framework = VS 2008