.NET Framework 2.0 & VS2k5


New member
Jul 10, 2006
Programming Experience
Does any app written in Visual Studio 2005 require .NET 2.0 or just apps that call on newer functions or API., ie,is it possible to write console app with the newer VB and have it run on machines that have only .NET 1.1 installed?

As far as i am aware MS have always tried to make backward compaibility a primary concern, however to achieve 100% backwards compatibility is never going to be possible with something as complicated as the .net framework. I understand that there are only around 10 documented cases of certain things behaving differently. Here's a link to a site that has a lot of info on this subject

Here's a snippet from an article

Moreover, according to the Microsoft white paper: "When the application is started up on the .Net Framework 1.0, 1.1 or 2.0, the CLR [Common Language Runtime] looks at the .Net Framework version recorded in the application and tries to run the application on the version of the .Net Framework that the application was compiled with. If that version is not installed on the machine, the CLR will attempt to start the application on the latest .Net Framework and CLR, for example, an application compiled for .Net Framework 1.0 running on a machine with only .Net Framework 1.1 will be rolled forward to run on the .Net Framework 1.1. Likewise, an application compiled for .Net Framework 1.1 running on a machine with only the .Net Framework 2.0 will be rolled forward to run on the .Net Framework 2.0."

You can find the rest of the article here...


Now i'm assuming that article is still valid and the information is correct.