.Net application window forms are closed automatically


New member
Mar 18, 2008
Programming Experience
error: .Net application is closed automatically


I was using a application build in VS.NET 2003 with sql2000 as a backend...

Now this application was running successfully from last 5 years, But suddenly now whenever I login with to the application and open a new transaction (on opening a form) the application get shutdown automatically without any error...

Can any one please help me out...???


My operating system is Windows XP with SP2 and Antivirus program i am running is Mcafee 8.5 Enterprise version...
is this a Virus problem Or any updates require for .net?
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Are you the developer?

Can it be ran in debug mode?

What you are asking is the equivalent of emailing Ford, Saying 'My Honda doesn't work, whats wrong with it?' and expecting a clear answer...
Yes I am a developer...

The application i have built in VSNET 2003 is running successfully in DEBUG and RELEASE mode. But when i run the exe from the bin it opens, But as soon as i start a new form or run the report (BUILT on CRYSTAL REPORT 8.5) it shuts down the application WITH NO ERROR...

I am also surprise with this as we are using this application (ERP) since 4-5 years and suddenly facing this problem...

I have tried reinstalling the setup, Formated the machine, But still facing the same issue...

Please help me out...
No changes were done...Infact we have 40 workstations including 1 Server class Machine, all the machines are running this application and suddenly 5 machines from this 40 are facing this problems...
Something had to have been done to those 5 if they were working fine and now they're not. Could be a windows update, could be a change in some anti virus or ad ware program