Need help with webbrowser control =(


Feb 25, 2010
Programming Experience
hey guys. nice to meet you, im new in this forum :D

im developing an application that constantly checks a particular webpage for changes in the page. im using the webbrowser.documenttext to read changes in the source, its working great. until when i tried to use webbrowser.refresh(), an ugly popup that says...

"To display the webpage again, Internet Explorer needs to resend the information you've previously submitted.

If you were making a purchase, you should click Cancel to avoid a duplicate transaction. Otherwise, click Retry to display the webpage again."

I tried all the possible options in webbrowser.refresh but this popup is really difficult to suppress. I'll appreciate any help I can get to suppress this popup and let the webbrowser control resend the data without asking. Thanks a bunch!

-p.s. i use VB2008
Instead of using .Refresh(), why not just re-navigate to the url?

thanks for the suggestion but it doesnt work. the page has a form that the user needs to fill in before submitting (which is java). renavigating will only bring an empty page with the form unfilled. it has to be refresh>resend information. since i cannot suppress the popup with vb, i tried searching for ways to suppress the popup through internet explorer but i still cannot find any :(