I have to get a current house's address and display it in a textbox named txtAddress. Here is some of the code. I guess I should say that it is from a scroll bar that when you slide it forward or back it shows which address goes with the number on the scroll bar. The houses are in a list box. I hope I'm not confusing anyone. I'm confused myself. I have been working on this and searching but I am at a loss right at the moment. Maybe I have been working on it too long.
Private Sub UpdateHome()
Dim pintCurrent As Integer
pintCurrent = hsbHouses.Value
lblHouses.Text = pintCurrent.ToString()
Select Case marrHouses(pintCurrent).GarageCount
Case 2
radTwoCar.Checked = True
Case 3
radThreeCar.Checked = True
End Select
Select Case marrHouses(pintCurrent).Rooms
Case HousePackage.HouseConfig.FourRooms
rad4Rooms.Checked = True
Case HousePackage.HouseConfig.ThreeRoomsDen
rad3RoomsDen.Checked = True
Case HousePackage.HouseConfig.TwoRoomsDenMaster
rad2RoomsDenMS.Checked = True
End Select
'Get the current house's address and display in txtAddress
If TypeOf marrHouses(pintCurrent) Is HousePackage.Barcelona Then
cbxModelType.SelectedIndex = 0
ElseIf TypeOf marrHouses(pintCurrent) Is HousePackage.Madrid Then
cbxModelType.SelectedIndex = 1
cbxModelType.SelectedIndex = 2
End If
Private Sub UpdateHome()
Dim pintCurrent As Integer
pintCurrent = hsbHouses.Value
lblHouses.Text = pintCurrent.ToString()
Select Case marrHouses(pintCurrent).GarageCount
Case 2
radTwoCar.Checked = True
Case 3
radThreeCar.Checked = True
End Select
Select Case marrHouses(pintCurrent).Rooms
Case HousePackage.HouseConfig.FourRooms
rad4Rooms.Checked = True
Case HousePackage.HouseConfig.ThreeRoomsDen
rad3RoomsDen.Checked = True
Case HousePackage.HouseConfig.TwoRoomsDenMaster
rad2RoomsDenMS.Checked = True
End Select
'Get the current house's address and display in txtAddress
If TypeOf marrHouses(pintCurrent) Is HousePackage.Barcelona Then
cbxModelType.SelectedIndex = 0
ElseIf TypeOf marrHouses(pintCurrent) Is HousePackage.Madrid Then
cbxModelType.SelectedIndex = 1
cbxModelType.SelectedIndex = 2
End If