N Tier structure


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2008
Programming Experience
Using Linq to SQL I am wondering if the below procedure is correct?

(DAL= Data Access Layer, DTO= Data Transfer Object, BLL= Business Logic Layer

Add a Class Library project and call it DAL. Delete the existing class and add a Linq to SQL file. Drag/drop required tables etc.

Add another Class Library project and call it DTO. Rename the class to the table name from the Linq to SQL file and add DTO to it i.e. CustomerDTO. At the same time add any Interface classes i.e ICustomer including Select/Update customer (or any other operations required) bolier plates.

Add another Class Library project and call it BLL. Add a reference to the DTO project and add methods to satisfy the Interface criteria.

Add a front end solution i.e. web app and add a reference to the BLL project.

Can anyone confirm if this would be the correct procedure?