Multithreading + asynchronous posting xml (threadpool)


New member
Oct 28, 2010
Programming Experience
Hi i have been struggling with this for a few days now. I am attempting to send an xml string to a http address multiple times and receive an xml response from the site. I have so far managed to construct the following module that handles the asynchronous post.

      Imports System.Net

      Imports System.IO

      Imports System.Threading

      Imports System.Collections

      Module Module1

      Public Class RequestState

      Public Request As HttpWebRequest

      Public URL As String

      Public Sub New()

      Request = Nothing

      End Sub

      End Class


      Public Sub CreateAsyncWebRequest(ByVal MyURL As String, ByVal XMLInputString As String)

      Dim oHttp As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(MyURL), HttpWebRequest)

      oHttp.Method = "POST"

      Dim postBuffer As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(XMLInputString)

      oHttp.ContentLength = postBuffer.Length

      Dim postData As Stream = oHttp.GetRequestStream()

      postData.Write(postBuffer, 0, postBuffer.Length)


      Dim objState As New RequestState

      objState.Request = oHttp

      objState.URL = MyURL

      Dim result As IAsyncResult = DirectCast(oHttp.BeginGetResponse(New AsyncCallback(AddressOf ProcessAsyncWebResponse), objState), IAsyncResult)

      ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(result.AsyncWaitHandle, _

      New WaitOrTimerCallback(AddressOf ScanTimeoutCallback), _

      objState, (30 * 1000), True)

      End Sub

      Private Sub ScanTimeoutCallback(ByVal Request As Object, ByVal TimedOut As Boolean)

      If TimedOut Then

      Dim objState As RequestState = DirectCast(Request, RequestState)
      If Not (Request Is Nothing) Then


      Console.WriteLine(objState.URL + " is processed")

      End If

      End If

      End Sub


      Private Sub ProcessAsyncWebResponse(ByVal Result As IAsyncResult)

      Dim objState As RequestState = DirectCast(Result.AsyncState, RequestState)

      Dim oHttp As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(objState.Request, HttpWebRequest)

      Dim myResponse As HttpWebResponse

      Dim loResponseStream As StreamReader

      Dim strxmlout As String


      myResponse = DirectCast(oHttp.EndGetResponse(Result), HttpWebResponse)

      loResponseStream = New StreamReader(myResponse.GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)

      strxmlout = loResponseStream.ReadToEnd()

      'rtbSendNotes.Text = m_xmlOut

      'frmMainProcess.TextBox2.Text += strxmlout

      writelog.writelogfile(objState.URL + " is processed-i win -------" + strxmlout)

      Catch ex As Exception

      'Exception handling code

      writelog.writelogfile(objState.URL + " is processed with exception: " + ex.Message)


      If Not (myResponse Is Nothing) Then


      End If

      If Not (loResponseStream Is Nothing) Then


      End If

      End Try


      End Sub


      End Module

called by the following procedure
CreateAsyncWebRequest(My.Settings.MPIURL, strxmlreq)

So for testing i am
1 - clicking a button which is firing the above procedure.
2 - sending the xml using the async post
3 - receiving an xml string
4 - appending the string to a txt file.

Now i would have thought i could hit the button a few 100 times and these would be qued into nthe threadpool and the responses handled as they are returned. However as soon as i click the button the UI freezes and is non responsive until the complete process has completed.

One way to get around this is to use multiple background workers to run the procedure but i would be looking to run about 25 + of them and i dont see the point as i am already using threadpool.

can anyone suggest how to resolve this problem.

Thanks in advance.

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