Multiple Selected Texts in a textbox


New member
Dec 19, 2006
Programming Experience
Thanks in advance

I want to know how to have a multiple selected texts in a textbox.text in a windows form. I know textbox doesnot allow multiple texts to be highlighted with mouse or keyboard. I want to be able to program a textbox to have multiple words highlighted as selected text. These words are not right next to each other in textbox. If i have code a custom textbox that has this property can somebody plse show me how:confused:

Thx a lot
You can't with a textbox. It has only one font and if you change it all the text takes on the new font.
With a richtext box you can do it by changing the background color of the words you want. I would use a color that wouldn't normally be used so you can change that color back when you need to reset it.
I hope what I just said makes sense.