Multiple program, same config file

Aug 21, 2010
Programming Experience
I'm trying to break a project up into smaller files that specialize on certain things rather than create one huge program that encompasses everything. For example I would like to create one program that deals with nothing but sales of a product, another that deals with nothing but utilities needed to create users, etc.

What I'd like to do is have all the various program use one common database and global variable file. Is there a good way of doing this? I know the most mentioned way to save configs is in the 'program settings' location but that does not work globally (at least I don't believe it works globally).

Thanks for any advice.
I don't all the information but I'm not sure I agree with your design choice. Regardless, the .NET configuration system is built on the premise that each application has its own configuration file. There's no issue using one database because multiple apps can use the same connection string fine. If you want a single configuration file then you'll have to write your own, maybe XML, maybe something else, and write your own code to load and save it.