Question Multiple MDI Childs, diffrent forms


Apr 10, 2010
Programming Experience
Hey guys, I tried to search on the forum but i couldn't really go more specific what i wanted.

I have a single MDI parent that has Multiple MDI Children, Some are the same and someelse are unique,
But i want to add all the MDIchilds in a TabStrip.
So basically is there somewhere where i can record the exactly all the forms into a class or variable, At least so i can call them in a script?

Also if possible if i close one mdi Child i would remove it from the list and place all the others in order.

I really have no idea how to call one form from all running forms.
I already know that.. I mean to get one out of all mdiChilds in code.. I said tabStrip not Menustrip ^^
The Window MDI Showing is a menu option, Im trying to make it like tabs.
"tabStrip" is unknown to me. While you can get reference to all mdi childs from Form.MdiChildren Property (System.Windows.Forms) I think the general approach for you would be to add a "tab" whenever you create a new mdi child, and listen to its FormClosed event to remove that tab again.