Multiple loginurl for forms auth in ??


New member
Mar 23, 2008
Programming Experience
hi there,

I had a few problems with forms authentication a while ago but got some help in fixing it. Now I have a question with regards to multiple loginurl's, i did ask this in my previous question but it wasn't really fair as it is separate to that question... here we go................

Admin (which is the Security Main Admin for system administrators)
Useradmin (which is like a control panel for individual users)

Currently I have one main web.config in the root which has the Forms AUthentication enabled etc
and then I have another web.config in the Admin directory which is where I was testing. I will put it below as it isn't large the one in the admin

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
                  <deny users="?" />

It works great! But the problem is that in the Admin directory I want anyone trying to use a page there to be presented with /Admin/Login.aspx and it does as the loginurl etc is in the main web.config in the root

But if somebody goes to a page under /UserAdmin then I want them to be presented with a completely different loginurl i.e. /UserAdmin/login.aspx

It does'nt, it uses the loginurl of Admin..... My reason for wanting this is because I need a different login screen and the logic behind it is different too.

Can anybody suggest a work around or something? Or indeed can it be done?

Thanks in advance

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