Multiple build content


New member
Sep 2, 2008
Programming Experience
Is it possible to generate different builds from the same solution? Ideally I'd like to have a single solution but with some means of triggering slightly different builds to generate, for example, 'Lite', 'Standard' and 'Professional' versions of the same software product. Each version would ship with a slightly different set of files.

I realise that I could achieve this using 3 different solutions but ideally I would have a single solution that referenced ALL the files necessary for the three versions but with some means of asssociating some files with specific versions and generating a build for a selected version on demand.

Can this be achieved by the Configuration Manager somehow? I can't make head nor tail of how to use that!

Alternatively, perhaps I could work with a single build but somehow control which files are transferred to the target machine at install time?

Thanks in advance.
You can add multiple setup projects to a solution and configure them differently, clickonce deployment will not help in this regard. Configuration manager may be used to have different build sets, ie set which projects in solution are built.
Thank you.

Suppose I have 150 files in total. I want 100 of these to ship with all builds ('Lite', 'Standard' and 'Pro'), a further 30 to ship with only 'Standard' and 'Pro' and a further 20 to ship with 'Pro' only. Would the sensible approach be to put each of these sets of files into 3 projects: Proj1 (100 files) , Proj2 (30 files) & Proj3 (20 files) then create 3 builds as follows:

'Lite' - consisting of 'proj1'
'Standard' - consisting of 'proj1' & 'proj2'
'Pro' - consisting of 'proj1' , 'proj2' & 'proj3'

Sorry but I'm new to setup and deployment in .NET.
You need one independent and complete setup project for each deployment package, as far as I know you can't configure a setup project to add upon another setup project.