Resolved Moving a picture: unwanted white spot


New member
May 10, 2011
Programming Experience

I am new to (and it is my first programming language) so I learn by reading, messing around and creating random programs. I just created a small two-players game but I have a problem: when I move a picture box using the arrow keys, there is a white square that appears for a few split seconds, making the game look unprofessional. I'm not saying that the graphics are good or that I'm a pro though. ;)

Here is a 2 seconds clip to show you what I mean.


Any help would be appreciated! Keep in mind that I am not an expert though. Thanks!
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What the DoubleBuffered property does is cause any changes to the form to be drawn to a bitmap in the background first and then that bitmap to be drawn to the form. This ensures that any changes that result in a series of visual changes are all implemented as a single unit, thus helping to prevent flicker and other artefacts like what you experienced.